ghost: there is an english version? can not understand anything but smiles are working
flame, i found the english version, but it does not work. need to contact the admins.
radioactive smiles do not work
where the language setting? can be at me will work
flame, - second tab in profile. below the large white field. you quickly find the word "English"
scr plz
Thanks brb. does not work
flame, how you upload an avatar?
after selecting the language there is a button. click on it and select the image and then click on save.
flame, k brb!
need to add to header topic answers. ensure that issues are not repeated.
flame, yes, it could be nice. i do not know how to edit topics...
can be a profile? write a /edit after the link?
Наш канал в телеграмме - Подписывайся!!! -
Наш чат в телеграмме - Велкам!!! -