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Одна девушка сумела найти актера который был прообразом стрелка для игры сталкер
вот ссылка на источник http://yastalker.com/blog.php?user=%D0%A0%D1%8B%D1%81%D1%8CMayra&blogentry_id=12502

Я так ждала, когда же наконец это случится.
Я верила, что он настоящий! Это оказалось так!
Всю предысторию не буду писать. Вы и так всё уже знаете.
Периписка с Тайроном Маддамсем:
12 марта 2010 От меня.

> My name is Kate. I search for a long time the information about S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl Hero.
> I search the creator of this unique hero, his face from video. I want to ask you. Tell me please:
> You last who can help me.
> To me it is very important, because he is very nice for me.
> It looks so really and so beautiful.
> Someone falls in love with literary or in television heroes, and I have fallen in love with the computer hero.
> I very much wish to know he real it or not?
> Whether to me real he very would be desirable to learn? I will wait your answer.
> With the best regards!
> Kate.
Ответ пришёл 15 марта 2010

Yes i did work on him for the S.T.A.L.K.E.R game

Yeah he is based upon a real man, i took photos of the man and used them to base the model and textures on him

Are you literally in love with him and want to find him? or just love him from afar

He is an actor, I will find out his name for you

Also i have another render of him i am going to post on cgs so i will let you know when i do

All the best,

Отвечаю 15 марта 2010
I am very happy that have received the answer. Thank you very much.
It is good news that he is realy.
I am sincere in it believed and did not surrender while searched.
It is very interesting to me as call this actor.
Yes, I really love him and I wish to know who it.
It is strange, yes?
With me such for the first time.
It is very painful, when do not know whom love.
When will find his name - write. I will wait.


А потом, долго жду, жду... А ответа всё нет и нет.
Вчера поздно вечером написала ему опять))
Hello, Tyrone!
I wrote to you earlier about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R Shadow of Chernobyl Hero.
You have told that will find a name of the actor for me.
I still wait. But if it is a secret. Or the actor can doesn't know what he is gunslinger?
I won't write to him. No.
Simply it is very necessary for me. It doesn't give me rest and torments. (((
Oh yes i have found the actors name, he is Vincent Stone Are you going to write to him? All the best,

Короче преписка между фанаткой игры сталкер и одного из разработчиков....удалось выяснить с кого же взяли образ Стрелка
Как оказалось это Австралийский актёр Vincent Stone

Актер, с которого взяли прообраз стрелка

Актер, с которого взяли прообраз стрелка

Снимался в
- Superman Returns (2006)
- The Crop (2004)
- the Backpacker(2009)
Почему вдруг взяли австралийского актера?
Все очень просто, ролики для сталкер тч разробатывала австралийская компания plastic wax http://www.plasticwax.com/index.html и не мудрено, что они использовали своего земляка для прообраза

⇓⇓ Поделитесь событием с друзьями! ⇓⇓

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Зарегин: 06/03/2009
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